Leaking BubblerUpdated 4 months ago
Why Bubblers Can Leak 💦
Leaks can happen for a few reasons—besides overfilling, other factors like defects or accidental drops can cause issues. Here's what to check:
🔍 Inspect for Cracks:
Look closely for any cracks or damage. Even small cracks can lead to leaks.
🔔 Rattle Test:
Give the bubbler a gentle shake. If you hear any rattling, it could indicate a loose or broken part inside, which may be causing the leak.
Troubleshooting Common Issues 🔧
Leaking Water:
- Check for cracks or damage. If everything looks good, try refilling using the straw method and ensure the water level isn’t too high.
No Vapor or Hard to Draw:
- If you're struggling to get vapor or the draw feels tough, make sure to give the bubbler a few strong test pulls to create the necessary seal before attaching it to your vaporizer.
By keeping these tips in mind and addressing potential issues early, you’ll enjoy a smooth, leak-free experience with your Gordito bubbler! 🌬️
For further assistance, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We’re always here to help! 👋